Project Type
2D, Explainer
Designer, Animator, Art Director

The Context

Suzy is an award winning consumer insights and market research platform with multiple products under the Suzy name. The relatively young company's three products had reached a more mature stage, and as such they needed an umbrella to unify them under: The Suzy Research Cloud. The Research Cloud is comprised (so far) of Suzy Insights, Suzy Live, and Suzy Audiences, and they needed to explain the intricate and somewhat convoluted relationship between these three products to new and existing customers. To accomplish this we created an all-encompassing, informative, and sparkling launch video – around 2 minutes in length – to be used throughout their digital marketing efforts, on their website landing page, and used by the Suzy sales team at trade shows and during pitches.

The Process

We started with a few live demos with Suzy marketing and product team members, before quickly diving into the Figma files to familiarize ourselves with the UX flows, styles, and key components. Then, I began storyboarding and style exploration at the same time given the limited timeframe. After some back and forth on the initial round of designs I began to realize that the Suzy team was looking for a bit of a branding overhaul in their marketing creative, and this video was the perfect fresh start. As such, I quickly pivoted from the initial reference and existing design approach they had been using to explore a more modern, eye-popping gradient style using only their brand's blue, purple, and pink color palettes. Additionally, I explored a "sea of shapes" design motif that could be used to add movement and interest to otherwise static backgrounds, while representing the ever-changing nature of data/consumer research.

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Outcomes & Takeaways

The Research Cloud video was deployed across the full digital ecosystem – website landing page, paid & organic social and company video channels. As one of the first long-form explainer videos that I took the lead on from storyboarding & designing to final render, it was a huge learning experience for me at every step. It was a rewarding challenge to depict a somewhat convoluted product with (sometimes) dry information in a continuously engaging and exciting way. With a late realization that the project required revisiting the overall look and feel of the brand, the experience solidified the importance of helping clients reach a complete and detailed brief – and really getting to the bottom of what their needs are at the outset of a project.


Agency SocialQ | Producer Austin Addison | Strategy Lead Thomas Soares | Creative Director Mathew Martini | Design Mathew Martini, Sweta Patel | Animation Mathew Martini | Sound Design Mathew Martini


(406) 407-1985